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Check if a audio format of a given file is supported in Qt6

There have been many changes in QtMultimedia between Qt5 and Qt6. With QMediaFormat::supportedAudioCodecs, we get a list of QMediaFormat::AudioCodec supported by the system.

Now we should get the QMediaFormat::AudioCodec that is used by a given file.

For that, it seems possible to use QMediaPlayer::metaData but unfortunately, on all the files I tested, the metadata does not contain QMediaFormat::AudioCodec or I don't know how to retrieve this value. In Qt5, it looks QMediaContent was suitable to get media information but it has been removed in Qt6.


  • There was an issue in Qt that has been fixed in Qt 6.5.0 and the use of FFmpeg.

    Here is how I have implemented a verification function:

    bool isCodecSupported(QMediaFormat::AudioCodec fileCodec) const
        // get supported audio codecs list
        QMediaFormat mediaFormat;
        const QList<QMediaFormat::AudioCodec> supportedAudioCodecs =  mediaFormat.supportedAudioCodecs(QMediaFormat::Decode);
        // check if file codec is supported by the system
        return std::any_of(supportedAudioCodecs.constBegin(), supportedAudioCodecs.constEnd(), [&](QMediaFormat::AudioCodec systemCodec) {
            return fileCodec == systemCodec; });
    void checkCodec()
        const QMediaMetaData fileMetadata = m_mediaPlayer->metaData();
        const QMediaFormat::AudioCodec fileAudioCodec = fileMetadata.value(QMediaMetaData::AudioCodec).value<QMediaFormat::AudioCodec>();
        if(!isCodecSupported(fileAudioCodec)) {
            qWarning() << tr("%1 (%2) is not supported by your system. Please install this codec to be able to play a sound.")
    m_mediaPlayer = new QMediaPlayer(this); // m_mediaPlayer is defined as a QMediaPlayer* in the header file
    connect(m_mediaPlayer, &QMediaPlayer::mediaStatusChanged,
            this, [this](QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status) {
        if(status == QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia) {

    The codec has to be verified once the file is loaded, otherwise the detection may be incorrect.