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Vue Js - mock the $http request using sinon modules

In VueJs project I have list of api request methods in apiList.ts file with below code. Also I am trying to add the unit test case for getUsers, addUser, updateUser methods but unable to mock the http methods(get/post/put). Could someone help to add the test case for this below code.

File: apiList.ts

import Vue from 'vue';

export const API_LISTS = {
    getUsers: () => {
        const apiUrl = `/get/users`;
        return Vue.prototype.$http.get(apiUrl);
    addUser: (requestData: any) => {        
        let apiUrl = `/new/user`;
        return Vue.prototype.$, requestData);
    updateUser: (requestData: any) => {
        const url = `/update/user`;
        return Vue.prototype.$http.put(url, requestData);

File: apiLists.spec.ts

    import { assert } from 'chai';
    import {API_LISTS } from 'apiList';
    describe.only('getUsers', () => {
    let axiosGetStub: any;
    const responseData = [{ id: 1, name: 'John' }, { id: 2, name: 'Jane' }];

    beforeEach(() => {
        axiosGetStub = sinon.stub(Vue.prototype.$http, 'get').callsFake(() => Promise.resolve({ status: 200, data: responseData }));

    afterEach(() => {

    it('should call $http.get with the correct endpoint', async () => {
        await API_LISTS.getUsers();
        // expect(axiosGetStub.calledWith('/users')).equal(true);

    it('should return the response data', async () => {
        const result = await API_LISTS.getUsers();
        // expect(result).equal(responseData);

Output: I am getting the logs step1, step2, step4 but step3, step5, step6 and step7 not getting.

enter image description here


  • In my opinion: first i install chai and sinon with npm

    npm install chai sinon --save-dev

    after that i create a mock for http on before()

    // Create a mock for $http
    $httpMock = {
      get: sinon.stub(),
      post: sinon.stub(),
      put: sinon.stub(),
    // Assign the mock to Vue.prototype.$http
    Vue.prototype.$http = $httpMock;

    And on beforeEach() reset the stbs before each test


    After that you do this

    it('API_LISTS.getUsers - should call $http.get with the correct URL', () => {
    const expectedUrl = '/get/users';
    // Invoke the getUsers method
    // Assert that $http.get was called with the expected URL
    it('API_LISTS.addUser - should call $ with the correct URL and data', () => {
    const expectedUrl = '/new/user';
    const requestData = { name: 'John', age: 25 };
    // Invoke the addUser method
    // Assert that $ was called with the expected URL and data
    assert.isTrue($, requestData));
    it('API_LISTS.updateUser - should call $http.put with the correct URL and data', () => {
    const expectedUrl = '/update/user';
    const requestData = { id: 1, name: 'John' };
    // Invoke the updateUser method
    // Assert that $http.put was called with the expected URL and data
    assert.isTrue($httpMock.put.calledOnceWith(expectedUrl, requestData));

    Good luck for you