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Calculate the percentage of a column base on year

I want to get the percentage of column Quantity based on the same year.

ID Model Year Qty
1 M1 2020-01-01 10
2 M2 2020-02-07 12
3 M3 2020-11-20 7
4 M1 2021-01-04 8
5 M2 2021-05-19 5
6 M3 2021-09-11 11
7 M4 2021-10-26 3

I have tried the below code but I'm not getting the desired result. Kindly assist

    DATEPART(yy, Year) AS Year,
    SUM(Qty) AS Quantity,
    ROUND (100 * SUM(Qty) / MAX( SUMALL), 2) AS Percentage
     FROM tblStore) A ON 1 = 1
    Model, Year

Expect output for my table should be like the one below

ID Model Year Qty Percentage
1 M1 2020-01-01 10 34.48
2 M2 2020-02-07 12 41.38
3 M3 2020-11-20 7 24.14
4 M1 2021-01-04 8 29.63
5 M2 2021-05-19 5 18.52
6 M3 2021-09-11 11 40.74
7 M4 2021-10-26 3 11.11

So if we add it manually we get in 2020 - 34.48 + 41.38 + 24.14 = 100% and | 2021 - 29.63 + 18.52 + 40.74 + 11.11 = 100%


  • Something like this mayhaps:

    select  *
    ,   qty / (0.01 * SUM(qty) over(partition by year(year))) as percentage
    from (
        VALUES  (1, N'M1', N'2020-01-01', 10)
        ,   (2, N'M2', N'2020-02-07', 12)
        ,   (3, N'M3', N'2020-11-20', 7)
        ,   (4, N'M1', N'2021-01-04', 8)
        ,   (5, N'M2', N'2021-05-19', 5)
        ,   (6, N'M3', N'2021-09-11', 11)
        ,   (7, N'M4', N'2021-10-26', 3)
    ) t (ID,Model,Year,Qty)
    order by id

    Returned data:

    ID Model Year Qty percentage
    1 M1 2020-01-01 10 34.48275862068965
    2 M2 2020-02-07 12 41.37931034482758
    3 M3 2020-11-20 7 24.13793103448275
    4 M1 2021-01-04 8 29.62962962962962
    5 M2 2021-05-19 5 18.51851851851851
    6 M3 2021-09-11 11 40.74074074074074
    7 M4 2021-10-26 3 11.11111111111111