I am trying to create functions and aliases in ZSH that make parameters handling easier to read.
As such, I wanted to create things like the example below:
local numberOfParameters=$(count-parameters)
local lastParameter=$(get-parameter $numberOfParameters)
echo "Number of parameters: $numberOfParameters"
echo "Last parameter is: $lastParameter"
Where count-parameters
is defined below:
alias count-parameters='echo "$#"
How would I be able to implement get-parameter
? I have been trying with "$@"
, as suggested in here, but that does not seem to work.
My desired result is that given an input such as:
myCustomFunction.sh "First param" "Second param" "Third param"
The output would be:
Number of parameters: 3
Last parameter: Third param
Through trial and error, I was able to accomplish the desired result.
Here's how I did it.
alias count-parameters='echo "$#"'
For get-parameter, I had to perform multiple operations (hacky way but it works)
export tempParameterFile="$HOME/.params.txt"
alias save-parameters='save_parameters "$@"'
if [ "$numberOfParams" -gt 0 ]; then
rm -f "$tempParameterFile"
while (( $# ))
echo -n "$1" >> "$tempParameterFile"
echo -ne $'\0' >> "$tempParameterFile" # Adding NUL character after each parameter
local indexToUse=$1
#echo "Called get_parameter for index $1"
local currentIndex=0
local nullCharacter=$'\0'
local currentParam=""
local allParameters=$(cat "$tempParameterFile")
local currentCharacter=""
for (( index=0; index<${#allParameters}; index++ ));
if [ "$currentCharacter" = "$nullCharacter" ]; then # When the null character is found
if [ "$currentIndex" = "$indexToUse" ];then # If the current index matches the desired index
echo "$currentParam" # We found the word we were looking for
return 0
else # If the current index is lower than the desired index
currentIndex=$(( $currentIndex + 1 )) # We increase the current index
currentParam="" # And reset the current parameter
else # If the character read is not the null character
currentParam="$currentParam$currentCharacter" # We append the character to the current param
alias get-parameter='save_parameters "$@" && get_parameter'
When running the command:
╰─$ myCustomFunction.sh "One param" "Second param" "Third param" "Fourth param"
Number of parameters: 4
Last parameter: Fourth param
The desired result is achieved.
EDIT: Updated code to address the possibility of an input parameter having a new line in it. Now using, as suggested in the comments, the NUL character to differentiate between parameters.