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simplify list with name/value pairs in R

I have a list of lists, each of them with format like the following:

list( name = 'foo',
       type = 'bar',
       attributes= list(
         list(name='color', value='blue'  ),
         list(name='batch', value=123),
         list(name='is_available', value='true')  )

i.e. with pairs of names and values of attributes. How I can transform this into this format

list( name = 'foo',
       type = 'bar',
       attributes= list(
         color='blue' ,
         is_available=TRUE )

Preferably in a tidyverse way.


  • Here is a one-liner base R way. The only difference from the expected output is in the attribute is_available, see at end.

    lst <- list( name = 'foo',
                 type = 'bar',
                 attributes= list(
                   list(name='color', value='blue'  ),
                   list(name='batch', value=123),
                   list(name='is_available', value = 'true')  )
    out <- list( name = 'foo',
                 type = 'bar',
                 attributes= list(
                   color='blue' ,
                   is_available = TRUE )
    lst$attributes <- sapply(lst$attributes, \(x) setNames(x[2], x[1]))
    #> [1] "true"
    #> [1] TRUE

    Created on 2023-05-27 with reprex v2.0.2