I need to send message whenever i push into my repository on github.
The following code is in gihub actions
tg-notify.yml :
name: tg-notify
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Update status
uses: appleboy/telegram-action@master
to: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TO }}
token: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}
message: | #https://help.github.com/en/actions/reference/contexts-and-expression-syntax-for-github-actions#github-context
#Push_Commit ⚒:
${{ github.event_name }} commit in ${{ github.repository }} by "${{ github.actor }}". [${{github.sha}}@${{ github.ref }}]
I need to edit this code in order to send the message into telegram group.
NOTE: TELEGRAM_TO is the id of the person getting that message i have tried to replace it by group chat id but the problem is the message is sent to general topic.
is there a way to send that message in specific topic inside that group?
I have figured out that the bot must have admin access to send message to that group.
Also the group chat id starts with a dash (-).