I have a nested list object cc
. Within the nested list, I want to find if there is item named "StartDate" and update the name to "OccurrenceStartDate".
Right now I am able to rapply to list the names and find the names and manually update. Is there a better way? I need to automate this process.
Also I need to update the format of the OccurrenceStartDate value. I am able to manually assign the format.
cc <- list(ConceptSets = list(list(id = 0L, name = "test cs", expression = list(
items = list(list(concept = list(CONCEPT_ID = 1569193L, CONCEPT_NAME = "Cerebral infarction",
CONCEPT_CLASS_ID = "3-char nonbill code"), isExcluded = FALSE,
includeDescendants = TRUE, includeMapped = FALSE))))),
PrimaryCriteria = list(CriteriaList = list(list(ConditionOccurrence = list(
CodesetId = 0L, Age = list(Op = "eq", Value = 15L), StartDate = list(
Op = "bt", Value = structure(17532, class = "Date"),
Extent = structure(18628, class = "Date"))))), ObservationWindow = list(
PriorDays = 0L, PostDays = 0L), PrimaryCriteriaLimit = list(
Type = "First")), QualifiedLimit = list(Type = "First"),
ExpressionLimit = list(Type = "First"), InclusionRules = list(),
CensoringCriteria = list(), CollapseSettings = list(CollapseType = "ERA",
EraPad = 0L), CensorWindow = structure(list(), names = character(0)),
cdmVersionRange = ">=5.0.0")
names(rapply(cc, function(x) head(x)))
names(cc$PrimaryCriteria$CriteriaList[[1]]$ConditionOccurrence)[3] <- "OccurrenceStartDate"
cc$PrimaryCriteria$CriteriaList[[1]]$ConditionOccurrence$OccurrenceStartDate$Value <- cc$PrimaryCriteria$CriteriaList[[1]]$ConditionOccurrence$OccurrenceStartDate$Value %>% format( "%m-%d-%Y")
This does not update the names but just lists the names
names(rapply(cc, function(x) head(x))) %>% str_replace_all(pattern = "StartDate","OccurrenceStartDate")
A solution with {data.tree}:
## build tree from list:
cc_tree <- FromListSimple(cc)
## update tree in place
cc_tree$Do(function(node) node$name = gsub("StartDate", "OccurrenceStartDate", node$name))
## retransform tree to list:
cc_renamed <- ToListSimple(cc_tree)
## > cc_renamed
[1] "Root"
[1] ">=5.0.0"
[1] "ConceptSets"
## ...
## ...