I'm trying to get an Azure AD Role Assignment using Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module.
I'm running a command below:
$assignments = Get-MgGroupAppRoleAssignment -GroupId $group.Id -Filter "ResourceId eq '$($sp.Id)'" | Format-List
where $sp is the service principal object that was successfully found.
I'm getting the next error:
##[error]Invalid filter clause
##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
I was trying to replace the old AzureAD command Get-AzureADGroupAppRoleAssignment with the new Microsoft.Graph Get-MgGroupAppRoleAssignment.
Thanks in advance!
I believe you are getting this error is because you are passing the resource id as string. Resource id type is actually a GUID.
Please try the following command:
$assignments = Get-MgGroupAppRoleAssignment -GroupId $group.Id -Filter "ResourceId eq $($sp.Id)" | Format-List