I'm trying to convert a Matrix into SVector in Julia. Following is a sample of how to create a matrix
I've one method but its not very optimal.
[SVector{size(p_mat,2), Real}(p_mat[i,:]) for i in 1:size(p_mat,1)]
I'm trying to avoid the for loop and convert matrix into SVector. Is there another possible way?
I will assume Point3
is just another name for SVector{3, Float64}
. Then, you can create a Vector from the matrix rows by Point3.(eachrow(p_mat))
as follows:
using StaticArrays
const Point3 = SVector{3, Float64}
p = randn(Point3, 100)
100-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-0.643411054127986, -1.3146948793707078, 0.8560043466425089]
[-1.2014944236615475, -0.16332265198198045, 0.7899287791641353]
[-0.4468974734632806, -2.115137061106782, 1.2797367438232168]
p_mat = [v[i] for v in p, i in 1:3]
100×3 Matrix{Float64}:
-0.643411 -1.31469 0.856004
-1.20149 -0.163323 0.789929
-0.446897 -2.11514 1.27974
p_vec = Point3.(eachrow(p_mat)) # the same as p
100-element Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}:
[-0.643411054127986, -1.3146948793707078, 0.8560043466425089]
[-1.2014944236615475, -0.16332265198198045, 0.7899287791641353]
[-0.4468974734632806, -2.115137061106782, 1.2797367438232168]