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RestSharp deserializes an object property incorrectly

I developed an API method that is called from other C# method.

I defined this class:

public class ApiResult
    public bool success { get; set; }
    public string message { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public object? data { get; set; }

Note the data property.

Then I do this:

public static async Task<ApiResult?> GetAsync(string baseUrl, string endpoint)
    using var client = new RestClient(baseUrl);
    var request = new RestRequest(endpoint, Method.Get);
    var response = await client.ExecuteAsync<ApiResult>(request);
    return response.Data;  // ApiResult instance is returned

When I construct the ApiResult object, I populate data property with an instance of a class called Persona.

Finally I can see that response.Data contains this object:
    data: ValueKind = Object : "{"tipoDocumentoId":3,"centroCostoId":0,"centroCostoNombre":"","departamentoId":0,"departamentoNombre":"","cargoId":0,"cargoNombre":"","codigo":11727935,"nombres":"Jaime","apellidos":"Stuardo","email":null,"fechaNacimiento":null,"sexo":"M","telefono":null,"tarjeta":null,"patente":null,"codigoInterno":null,"fechaContrato":null,"nombreFoto":null,"ssn":"117279359","ssnFormateado":"11.727.935-9","id":2,"estaVigente":true,"fechaCreacion":"2023-05-24T09:20:57.2","fechaActualizacion":null}"
    message: ""
    success: true

See the property, which contains the Persona instance but not as an intance of the Persona object but a JSON object.

How can I make RestSharp to deserialize the JSON object into the actual object instance?


Here is what I expect following by what I am receiving:

    data: {Modules.Integration.ApiModels.Persona}
    message: ""
    success: true
    data: ValueKind = Object : "{"tipoDocumentoId":3,"centroCostoId":0,"centroCostoNombre":"","departamentoId":0,"departamentoNombre":"","cargoId":0,"cargoNombre":"","codigo":11727935,"nombres":"Jaime","apellidos":"Stuardo","email":null,"fechaNacimiento":null,"sexo":"M","telefono":null,"tarjeta":null,"patente":null,"codigoInterno":null,"fechaContrato":null,"nombreFoto":null,"ssn":"117279359","ssnFormateado":"11.727.935-9","id":2,"estaVigente":true,"fechaCreacion":"2023-05-24T09:20:57.2","fechaActualizacion":null}"
    message: ""
    success: true


  • Finally I have deserialized that object by myself.

    I created this extension method:

        public static T? ToObject<T>(this object? o)
            if (o is null || !(o is JsonElement))
                return default;
            return ((JsonElement)o).Deserialize<T>();

    And then, I called it this way:

    var persona = RestConnection.Get<ApiResult>(baseUrl, string.Format(endpoint, ssn))?.data.ToObject<Persona>();

    RestConnection is a class that encapsulates RestSharp calls.