I would like to create one table in a way to enter the inner header between the two:
flextable(rbind(mtcars[,1:6], mtcars[,1:6]))
To make clear the idea it would be like to merge this two tables
ft = mtcars[,1:6] %>%
ft1 = mtcars[,1:6] %>%
flextable() %>%
add_header_lines(., values = paste0('Results for XXXX'))
Do you possibly know what to do? Thanks
As far as I know there is no function for this, but we can make the header manually:
n_header <- nrow(mtcars)
# I don't know if we can add lines in specific places but I know we can change them
# so we add a empty line with "NA" where the header should be and change it after
flextable(rbind(mtcars[,1:6],NA, mtcars[,1:6])) %>%
mk_par(i = n_header, value = as_paragraph("Inner Header")) %>%
bold(i = n_header) %>%
merge_h(i = n_header) %>%
align(i = n_header, align = 'center') %>%
border(i = n_header, border.top = officer::fp_border(), border.bottom = officer::fp_border())