I have a getElementList() function: Observable<Element[]>, I'd like to handle three cases in this function depending on the page the user is on ( 2 cases for 2 different pages and 1 error case) but I can't figure out how to return an error for an Observable<Element[]>.
getElementList() : Observable<Element[]>{
const isOnClubsPage: boolean = this.router.url.endsWith('/Clubs');
const isOnPartenairePage: boolean = this.router.url.endsWith('/Partenaires');
if (isOnClubsPage) {
return this.http.get<Element[]>('api/Clubs').pipe(
tap((clubList) => this.log(clubList)),
catchError((error) => this.handleError(error, []))
else if(isOnPartenairePage){
return this.http.get<Element[]>('api/Partenaires').pipe(
tap((clubList) => this.log(clubList)),
catchError((error) => this.handleError(error, []))
return error??
I'd like to throw an error in the last if but I can't figure out how to do it.
To solve my problem, i return that in the else case :
return throwError(() => new Error('erreur'));