Search code examples

Using a collection's aggregation pipeline with all records of another collection

I have two collections:


  "BOOK_ID": "100",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 1",
  "BOOK_DESC": "abcd",  
  "BOOK_ID": "101",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 2",
  "BOOK_DESC": "efgh",  
  "BOOK_ID": "102",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 3",
  "BOOK_DESC": "ijkl",  


  "GROUP_ID": "100",
  "GROUP_NAME": "G1",
  "GROUPS": [
      "BOOK_ID": "100",
      "BOOK_NAME": "Book 1"
      "BOOK_ID": "101",
      "BOOK_NAME": "Book 2"
  "GROUP_ID": "101",
  "GROUP_NAME": "G2",
  "GROUPS": [
      "BOOK_ID": "101",
      "BOOK_NAME": "Book 2"
  "GROUP_ID": "102",
  "GROUP_NAME": "G3",
  "GROUPS": [
      "BOOK_ID": "100",
      "BOOK_NAME": "Book 1"
      "BOOK_ID": "102",
      "BOOK_NAME": "Book 3"

I have a query to get the associated groups of a single book, following is the query:

    "$unwind": "$GROUPS"
    "$match": {
      "GROUPS.BOOK_NAME": "Book 2"
    "$group": {
      "_id": null,
      "group_name": {
        "$push": "$GROUP_NAME"
    "$project": {
      "_id": false,
      "group_name": true

It is able to get the group names of a single book Book 2. And following is the output:

    "group_name": [

It is working as expected. Now I would like to get the groups associated to each book but I am not able to do it using the pipeline.

Following is the expected output:

  "BOOK_ID": "100",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 1",
  "BOOK_DESC": "abcd",
  "group_name": ["G1", "G3"]
  "BOOK_ID": "101",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 2",
  "BOOK_DESC": "efgh",
  "group_name": ["G1", "G2"]
  "BOOK_ID": "102",
  "BOOK_NAME": "Book 3",
  "BOOK_DESC": "ijkl",
  "group_name": ["G3"]

This is the mongo playground link.

Kindly advise. Thank you.


  • You should work with $lookup to join both Books and BookGroup collections and get the GROUP_NAME.

        $lookup: {
          from: "BookGroup",
          localField: "BOOK_ID",
          foreignField: "GROUPS.BOOK_ID",
          as: "groups"
        $set: {
          group_name: {
            $map: {
              input: "$groups",
              in: "$$this.GROUP_NAME"
        $unset: "groups"

    Demo @ Mongo Playground