GNU plot is giving a strange behavior with this data, but I cannot figure our why.
here is my data example :
-2.696764488716512156e-02 2023-05-25
-2.514640039066843094e-02 2023-05-25
-2.539875589417509363e-02 2023-05-25
-2.443511139767776813e-02 2023-05-25
-2.258826690118204833e-02 2023-05-25
-2.176542240468394215e-02 2023-05-25
Now using HOURS time work, but I am trying to plot for DAYS with this configuration :
set terminal png size 1074,806
set output 'output.png'
set datafile sep ' '
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-d%"
set format x "%m/%d"
set autoscale y
set style data lines
set xlabel 'Days'
plot "gnudataok.dat" using 2:1 with lines lt rgb "blue"
But I cannot get correct dates on the X axis
There is a typo in your script "%Y-%m-d%"
instead of "%Y-%m-%d"
Note, if your time precision is just whole days, all these datapoints will be plotted on top of each other.
The following script (with some dates changed) will give the result below...
### time data
reset session
$Data <<EOD
-2.696764488716512156e-02 2023-05-25
-2.514640039066843094e-02 2023-05-25
-2.539875589417509363e-02 2023-05-26
-2.443511139767776813e-02 2023-05-26
-2.258826690118204833e-02 2023-05-27
-2.176542240468394215e-02 2023-05-27
myTimeFmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x "%m/%d" timedate
set xlabel 'Days'
plot $Data u (timecolumn(2,myTimeFmt)):1 w lines lc rgb "blue"
### end of script