In my normal use of Vim I have a key binding ("jj") to enter NORMAL
mode. I accomplish this by setting a mapping configuration in ~/.vimrc
-> :imap jk <Esc>
. However this binding does not take effect in ZSH on Mac OS Terminal. Is there a way to enable this?
Edit/Update: I came across this question which appears to sort of indirectly answer my question within its question to something else (not its answer). Leaving this open as that original thread does not directly answer the question
ZSH and Vim are configured separately, in ~/.zshrc
and ~/.vimrc
respectively. You can add the jj
key binding to your zsh terminal by adding the following line to you ~/.zshrc file.
# Add "jj" shortcut to enter NORMAL mode
bindkey -M viins 'jj' vi-cmd-mode