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Sidekiq is queueing mails in the 'default' queue instead of 'mailers' queue

While upgrading my Rails 6.0 application to Rails 7.0.3, I'm facing the following problem :

Sidekiq is enqueueing all my mailer jobs through the default queue instead of the mailers queue like it used to before.

Code related to the same :

in application.rb :

    config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq

My mailer :

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base

  def staff_welcome(user, password)
    @user = user
    @password = password
    mail(to:, from: "DummyName <#{APP_CONFIG[:notifications_email]}>", reply_to: "#{APP_CONFIG[:outbound_email]}", subject: "Your staff account has been created")

And then, inside the controller, i'm calling the mailer as follows :

def create
    @user =
    @user.attributes = users_params.merge(state: 'active', source: :dummy_source, activity: 1)

    respond_to do |format|
        if @user.staff?
          UserMailer.staff_welcome(@user, params[:user][:password]).deliver_later

I'm interested in finding out why upon upgrading to Rails 7 is my queue for mailers changing? When i run the server with Rails 6, the mailers get queued via the mailers queue, but with Rails 7, the queue is default.

I understand that if i call the mailer from inside an ActiveJob, and inside the controller call the job instead of the mailer directly, I will be able to use syntax like queue_as :mailers. Is that the correct way to fix this?

I checked the changelog for sidekiq but couldn't find anything related to this? Did they change the default queue when it comes to mailers?

Also, can i set sidekiq_options with the deliver_later function?


  • In Rails 6.1, they changed the default queue name.

    More info on the change here:

    In the Sidekiq documentation: