my collage professor asked to make a diploma that have 2 lists [coruses and students] and nest in it 5 groups in Each group 5 students and fill their names in it Each student have 5 infos(any) all using nested lists.. but later on said do it with anything you could do it with.
i tried to do it in lists and reached this if i appended any input the hole programming goes full of errors
is it possiable in the first place ?
diploma = []
std = []
less_than_15 = []
for i in range(5):
Your code won't work the way you expect it to work because of the following reasons:
You are creating a list of strings instead of a list of lists for each student and group. You are removing and appending elements to the lists in a confusing and unnecessary way. You are not filling the names and infos of the students as required by the problem statement
I'll write a code for you.
for what I figured out.
courses = []
students = (5,5,5) # it has 5 rows, each with 5 sub-rows, each with 5 elements
you can fill it like this:
student = [
#first group
["student1", 14, "male", "B-", "math"],
[ ],
[ ],
[ ],
[ ]
#second group
and so on
here is all the code you need
for i in range(len(students)):
print(f"Group {i+1}:")
for j in range(len(students[i])):
print(f"Student {j+1}: {', '.join(str(x) for x in students[i][j])}")
another way to implement the same code is to use random python library:
here is the code
import random
# Define the courses list
courses = ["Math", "Science", "English", "History", "Art"]
# Define some sample names and infos
names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie","Paul", "Quinn"]
infos = ["Age: 18", "Gender: Female", "Grade: A+", "Course: Math", "Hobby: Painting"]
# Create an empty list for students
students = []
# Loop over 5 groups
for i in range(5):
# Create an empty list for each group
group = []
# Loop over 5 students in each group
for j in range(5):
# Create an empty list for each student
student = []
# Append a random name to the student list
# Loop over 4 infos for each student
for k in range(4):
# Append a random info to the student list
# Append the student list to the group list
# Append the group list to the students list
# Print the diploma
print("Courses: ", ", ".join(courses))
for i in range(len(students)):
print(f"Group {i+1}:")
for j in range(len(students[i])):
print(f"Student {j+1}: {', '.join(str(x) for x in students[i][j])}")