I want to execute a stored procedure using an SQL Alchemy Connection. I get no errors during execution, but no changes are reflected on the database. If I run the stored procedure directly on my Azure SQL Server, I get the expected results (which are updating a table).
I tried running just the procedure and get this:
Any ideas on why it is not working?
I am also open to other ideas! I am trying to execute my stored procedure after upserting a table.
The recommended approach for current versions of SQLAlchemy is to use a context manager (with
block) to begin()
the transaction. When the context manager exits the transaction will automatically be committed unless an error has occurred:
with engine.begin() as conn:
conn.exec_driver_sql("EXEC my_stored_procedure")
Bonus tip: Naming stored procedures with an sp_
prefix is discouraged because it can lead to confusion with SQL Server's built-in "system procedures". More details here: