I am currently trying to get this api to work: create user media
Everything works if I try to post photos. But as soon as I try to post a reel I always get the same error:
"error": {
"message": "The video file you selected is in a format that we don't support.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 352,
"error_subcode": 2207026,
"is_transient": false,
"error_user_title": "Unsupported format",
"error_user_msg": "The video format is not supported. Please check spec for supported streams format",
"fbtrace_id": "<removed>"
So I look into the reel specifications here: reel specification
Try as I might, I cannot get it to work. I work with technical google searches all day long, yet this time I seem to be looking in a completely wrong direction.
I have tried converters like Any Video Converter.
I have tried ffmpeg
with the following command: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -aspect 16:9 -crf 18 -vf "scale=iw*min(1280/iw\,720/ih):ih*min(1280/iw\,720/ih),pad=1280:720:(1280-iw)/2:(720-ih)/2" -fpsmax 60 -preset ultrafast -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart -t 59 -y output.mp4
If there is a solution with ffmpeg
I would appreciate it as I could automate much of the process. But if you know of any converter software I would gladly take that as well.
I think the main problem is the container requirement MPEG-4 Part 14
. I can't seem to find any software that is able to produce a video with the required format. The closest I have gotten is MPEG-4 Part 10
but that doesn't work with the api.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It turned out that the issue was with the file name. Every new conversion resulted in a new file, with the same name.
To use a video as reel via the api it has to be publicly available on some server. Facebook then cached the video the first time I tried the request. Every subsequent request, even if it was with a new video (with the same name), was not even considered and resulted in the same error.
Using a new name for the file actually worked. Also, you can use the Facebook Sharing Debugger to clear the cache for your URI.
Hope this helps.