I am trying to initialize a primeNG table using queryParameters. e.g. http://my-url.com/table?name=Joe&first=20 should display data with name Joe, beginning at the 20th entry
That table use lazyLoading with [lazy]=true
because of the sheer amount of data my backend can provides. When I initialize my component I read url parameters to apply filtering and pagination.
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export class MyComponent {
@ViewChild('tableElement', {static: true}) pTableRef!: Table;
protected firstItem = 0;
ngOnInit(): void {
next: (paramMap) => this.initStateFromParamMap(paramMap)
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
console.log("ngAfterViewInit called, this.firstItem = " + this.firstItem)
// manually call onLazyLoad with dummy parameters if no filtering is done.
// if filtering is done, p-table automatically calls onLazyLoad
private initStateFromParamMap(paramMap: ParamMap) {
// note : this code is a just simplification of what is done
this.lazyLoadingDoneAtLeastOnce = true;
this.firstItem = firstItem;
this.pTableRef.filter("Joe", name, 'equals');
console.log("init finished, this.firstItem = " + this.firstItem)
onLazyLoad(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
console.log("onLazyLoad called, this.firstItem = " + this.firstItem)
// load specified data from backend
init finished, this.firstItem = 20
ngAfterViewInit called, this.firstItem = 20
onLazyLoad called, this.firstItem = 0
Calling this.pTableRef.filter("Joe", name, 'equals');
result in firstItem being set to zero, this is the basic behaviour if the user decides to manually apply a filter. However I do not want to reset the firstItem in this case.
is not changed after ngAfterViewInit
Looking through PrimeNG Table source code, I've found a boolean attribute named restoringFilter
, if this is set to true, next filtering won't reset first item.
By the way, calling filters
trigger a timed out filtering, this is why multiples filtering done sequentially do not trigger multiple call to onLazyLoad
, this is the same reason filtering (and therefore reinitialization of first item to 0...) was done after ngAfterViewInit.
TL;DR, set restoringFilter to true when restoring filters
this.pTableRef.restoringFilter = true;
this.pTableRef.filter("Joe", name, 'equals');
This now works perfectly.