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Firestore Security Rules Invalid variable name: request

I'm having an error when writing a security rule that verifies if the requestor can make an action. By I'm getting:

Invalid variable name: request.

Here is my code:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {

  // Check if user is authenticated
  function isAuthenticated() {
    return request.auth != null;

  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    function isUserCompanyAdmin(companyID) {
      return isAuthenticated() &&
        request.auth.token.role == 'admin' && request.auth.token.companyID == companyID;

    match /companies/{companyId} {
      allow read, write, update, delete, create, get: if isUserCompanyAdmin(companyId);

What's wrong?



  • If I recall correctly, request is only available inside match clauses. So you can either pass request to the function - or move it into a match clause.