Just beginning to learn Swift and stumbled across the following code in a book:
for i in 0..<n {
let x = start + delta * Double(i)
result += [fn(x)]
return result
What puzzles me is, that x seems to be defined as a constant, but within a for loop, which should not be possible as it changes its value.
I was expecting something like:
for i in 0..<n {
var x = start + delta * Double(i)
result += [fn(x)]
return result
… as it changes its value.
It does not change the value, the local constant is (re)created in each iteration and thrown away in the closing brace line.
It changes the value therefore it must be a var
iable with this syntax where it's declared before the loop
var x : Double
for i in 0..<n {
x = start + delta * Double(i)
result += [fn(x)]
return result