Search code examples

Populate dropdown in ATK4

function init(){
    $f = $this->add('Form');
    $f->addField('dropdown', 'Label:')->setModel('User');

So this code will output a dropdown list populated by the values in the table asosiated with the model User, but the values will be does of the name field in the model.

Is there a way to use another field of the model to populate this?


  • No direct way. First, are you sure you don't have to use 'reference' type instead of dropdown?

    Secondly, free is how:

    class Model_User_BySurname extends Model_User {
        public function getListFields(){
            return array('id'=>'id','surname'=>'name');

    then further:


    Of course you can make this field re-defineable in your models, by creating some sort of "setNameField('surname')" function and hidden property used in getListFields.