I am trying to update the state model, but I am running into an issue (because I do not have enough experience with it yet). Getting "core.mjs:6412 ERROR TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'decisionDate' of object '[object Object]'".
The issue is at the line I added "-->" to. What have I done wrong/what am I missing?
onUpdateSelectedDate(ctx: StateContext<ClerkStateModel>, action: ClerkAction.Review.UpdateSelectedDate) {
const DocumentList = ctx.getState().request.documents;
const DocumentIndex = DocumentList.findIndex(item => item.guid === action.documentGuid);
--> DocumentList[DocumentIndex].decisionDate = action.newDate;
request: {
documents: DocumentList
ctx.dispatch(new NotificationAction.Loading(false));
UPDATE and SOLUTION - 07-03-2023 So, I had to:
I had to clone the original item (use the react ...)
Then I had to replace the existing element of the collection, with the newly cloned element (along with its change).
Then patchState
const DocumentList = ctx.getState().request.documents;
const DocumentIndex = DocumentList.findIndex(item => item.guid === action.documentGuid);
var ItemToUpdate = {...DocumentList[DocumentIndex]};
ItemToUpdate.decisionDate = action.newDate;
const reconstruct = addOrReplace('guid', DocumentList, ItemToUpdate);
Hope this helps someone.
Another option is to use StateOperators
In your case it should be something like:
ctx.setState( patch<ClerkStateModel>({ documents: updateItem( item => item.guid === action.documentGuid, patch({ decisionDate: action.newDate } ) }) );