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AsyncTaskTarget cannot get scope properties (but TargetWithContext can)

I tried to implement the solution from this SO post: Get ScopeContext properties in AsyncTaskTarget.

However, the solution seems to (no longer?) work. Or, more accurately, it does work with TargetWithContext:

public class ExampleTarget : TargetWithContext
    public ExampleTarget()
        this.IncludeScopeProperties = true;

    protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
        // works!
        var scopeValues = GetScopeContextProperties(logEvent);

but does not with AsyncTaskTarget (even thought that inherits from TargetWithContext):

public class ExampleTarget : AsyncTaskTarget
    public ExampleTarget()
        this.IncludeScopeProperties = true;

    protected override async Task WriteAsyncTask(LogEventInfo logEvent, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // returns NULL!
        var scopeValues = GetScopeContextProperties(logEvent);

What am I missing?

I am using NLog.Web.AspNetCore 5.2.3 (which uses NLog 5.1.3 and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 7.0.0).

Scope values are added similar to this:

using (_logger.BeginScope(new[]
    KeyValuePair.Create("example-key", "example-value")


  • Apparently, this was caused because the custom target was still inside an async wrapper via the configuration file:

      <target xsi:type="AsyncWrapper" name="exampleTargetAsync" overflowAction="Block">
          <target xsi:type="ExampleTarget" name="exampleTarget" />
        <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="exampleTargetAsync" />

    Removing the wrapper fixed the issue.

      <target xsi:type="ExampleTarget" name="exampleTarget" />
        <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="exampleTarget" />

    The wrapper should not be necessary anymore anways, because the target is now already async. However, I was not expecting this to break it.