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Automapper to manually map some fields then handle the rest

I have this automapper:

namespace App.Mappings
    public class AutoMapperModelOne : Profile
        public AutoMapperModelOne()
            CreateMap<JToken, ModelOne>()
                .ForMember(dest =>, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken("application_id")))
                .ForMember(dest => dest.activity_created, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken("activity_created")))
                .ForMember(dest => dest.source_url, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken("source_url")))
                .ForMember(dest => dest.is_transferred, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken("is_transferred")));

And I want to be able to automatically map the token values to the model values. But some fields should be ignored and some selected fields have a different token key compared to the model properties.

Something like this:

namespace App.Mappings
    public class AutoMapperModelOne : Profile
        public AutoMapperModelOne()
            CreateMap<JToken, RAFApplication>()
            // manually mapping this field to the id
            .ForMember(dest =>, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken("application_id")))
            // ignoring this field
            .ForMember(dest => dest.actualId, opt => opt.Ignore())
            // mapping specific fields first the mapping all others?
            .ForAllMembers(opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SelectToken(opt.DestinationMember.Name)));

The second block of code currently does not work and it produces an error thrown by my fluent validator:

enter image description here

What might I be doing wrong here?


  • the map rules you defined in ForMember would be overrided in that in ForAllMember You could try as below:

    public AutoMapperModelOne()
                CreateMap<JToken, ModelOne>()                           
                    .ForAllMembers(opt =>
                        opt.MapFrom( src=> opt.DestinationMember.Name=="Id"?src.SelectToken("appid"): src.SelectToken(opt.DestinationMember.Name)) ;
                        opt.Condition((src, des, arg3, arg4, resolutionContext) =>
                            var propname = opt.DestinationMember.Name;
                            if (propname == "Prop1")
                                return false;
                            return true;

    Model class:

     public class ModelOne
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string? Prop1 { get; set; }
            public string? Prop2 { get; set; }
            public string? Prop3 { get; set; }
            public string? Prop4 { get; set; }


    var obj = new {appid=1,Prop1="val1",Prop2="val2",Prop3="val3",Prop4="val4"};
        var jtoken = JToken.FromObject(obj);
        var targetmodel = mapper.Map<ModelOne>(jtoken);


    enter image description here