I have set the lease expiry to infinite because some of the blobs will be too large. I break the lease after the download. What I need is an exception that handles the lease already present error.
Function to download blobs which creates a lease that never expires
def save_blob(self, local_path, file_name, blob_client):
"""downloading blob to the respective folders"""
# Get full path to the file
download_file_path = os.path.join(local_path, file_name)
# getting a lock on the blob using a lease that never expires
lease = blob_client.acquire_lease(lease_duration=-1)
with open(download_file_path, "wb") as file:
data = blob_client.download_blob()
# breaking the lease after download
the try-except block
print(f"blob name in try: {blob.name}")
self.save_blob(local_path, filename, blob_client)
blob_count += 1
except: #if lease is already present
blob_client.break_lease() # I need something like this
self.save_blob(local_path, filename, blob_client)
blob_count += 1
I read the doc on BlobLeaseClient which needs acquiring of lease to break a lease which we can't do because the lease is already there. I also tried to find the lease ID from the properties which was not there in properties dictionary.
You can make use of BlobLeaseClient
to break the lease on an existing blob.
Your code would be something like the following:
blob_lease_client = BlobLeaseClient(blob_client)