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Comparing date strings with jsonpath expression

I'm trying to run the following query, which unless I'm misunderstanding the documentation looks like it should be possible.

SELECT id, profile
FROM end_user
WHERE profile @? '$.first_segment_exited_at ? (@.datetime() < "2023-05-25".datetime())'::jsonpath;

This is the documentation which leads me to think I should be able to achieve this:

string . datetime() → datetime_type (see note)

Date/time value converted from a string

jsonb_path_query('["2015-8-1", "2015-08-12"]', '$[*] ? (@.datetime() < "2015-08-2".datetime())') → "2015-8-1"

Example profile data, note the dates are valid ISO format;

  "first_segment_exited_at": "2023-05-22T03:09:37.825Z",

The following query returns results, but I'm keen on switching to jsonpath syntax in order to utilize an index

select id, profile
from end_user
where '2023-05-25'::timestamptz > (profile->>'first_segment_exited_at')::timestamptz

I'm running Postgres v14.


  • Illegal JSON datetime format in the table column. This works:

    CREATE TABLE end_user (id int, profile jsonb);
      (1, '{"first_segment_exited_at": "2023-05-22T03:09:37.825Z"}')
    , (2, '{"first_segment_exited_at": "2023-05-22T03:09:37Z"}')  -- no fractional sec
    , (3, '{"first_segment_exited_at": "2023-05-22T03:09:37"}')   -- no trailing "Z", either
    SELECT *
    FROM   end_user
    WHERE  profile @? '$.first_segment_exited_at ? (@.datetime() < "2023-05-25".datetime())';


    Row 3 is the only one with legal format.
    (The filter expression needs to be valid, too.)

    You didn't get an error message because, quoting the manual:

    The jsonpath operators @? and @@ suppress the following errors: missing object field or array element, unexpected JSON item type, datetime and numeric errors. [...] This behavior might be helpful when searching JSON document collections of varying structure.

    To debug input strings, test with a function that doesn't suppress the error. Like jsonb_path_query_first():

    SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('{"d": "2023-05-22T03:09:37.1"}', '$.d.datetime()')
    ERROR:  datetime format is not recognized: "2023-05-22T03:09:37.1"
    HINT:  Use a datetime template argument to specify the input data format.

    But this one flies:

    SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('{"d": "2023-05-22T03:09:37"}', '$.d.datetime()')

    Also, you can supply a template pattern to the .datetime() method like Laurenz demonstrates in his added answer. (More obstacles ahead ...)