All answers to this question (i.e. counting results from queries in SQLAlchemy) that I could find, where given for Query API. But in my application I am using AsyncSession which does not support query and I have to use select. I have no idea how to get count of all results from query using select API as count() simply does not work.
My code so far:
q = (
if user_type:
q = q.where(User.user_type == user_type)
if name:
q = q.where(
if surname:
q = q.where(User.surname.contains(surname))
if email:
q = q.where(
result = await self.db_session.execute(q)
results = result.scalars()
return results
What I'd like to achieve is something like:
count_results = results.count()
and return them alongside with list of retrieved objects. Thank all of you in advance!
You should be able to use func.count from the core API either with OR without an argument: sqlalchemy.sql.functions.count
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
q = (