I'm looking for a function that takes a certain input value and transforms it into a certain sequence of letters using the full alphabet.
This is the exact input: output I need:
5: aa
6: ab
7: ac
51: bu
52: bv
53: bw
And so on. And it should be able to continue with bigger input values creating combinations like aza, azb, azc or mnki, mnkj, mnkk.
Is this even possible, or do I just have to create all the permutations and store them? This would be easy, but memory intensive and slow and I don't need all permutations, just the one related to the input I'm giving.
Use base 26, interpreting the digits as a-z. You'll need to shift this to get 5 = aa.
def convert_to_base_26(number)
return '' if number == 0
number += 22
base = 26
digits = ('a'..'z').to_a
result = ''
while number > 0
number -= 1
digit = number % base
result = digits[digit] + result
number /= base
> convert_to_base_26(51)
=> "bu"
> convert_to_base_26(238_225)
=> "mnki"