This answer shows how to collapse several columns per group to one array of key:value pairs.
user_id friend_id confirmed
1 2 true
1 3 false
2 1 true
2 3 true
1 4 false
SELECT user_id, array_agg((friend_id, confirmed)) as friends
FROM friend_map
WHERE user_id = 1
GROUP BY user_id
user_id | friends
1 | {"(2,true)","(3,false)","(4,false)"}
How to go the other way around, from the result table back to the initial table?
In PrestoSQL/Trino you can use unnest
-- sample data
with dataset(user_id, friend_id, confirmed) as(
values (1, 2, true),
(1, 3, false),
(2, 1, true),
(2, 3, true),
(1, 4, false)
friend_map as (
SELECT user_id, array_agg((friend_id, confirmed)) as friends
FROM dataset
GROUP BY user_id
-- query
select user_id, friend_id, confirmed
from friend_map,
unnest(friends) as t(friend_id, confirmed);
It seems that currently Athena (do not have access to Athena ATM to test it myself) does not support automatic unnest of rows to columns so you can try:
select user_id, r.friend_id, r.confirmed
from (
select user_id, cast(r as row(friend_id INT, confirmed VARCHAR))) r
from friend_map,
unnest(friends) as t(r)
select user_id, r[1] friend_id, r[2] confirmed
from friend_map,
unnest(friends) as t(r)
Note that Athena is not based on PostgreSQL, it is based on Presto/Trino (dependent on the engine version)