I am creating a "log" system and for this, trigger would be the best way to go I think. The thing is I have a header table (table1) and a line item table (table2). I created 2 new tables (table1log) and (table2log) they are copies of the non-log table. I want that when I update a row in the header table (table1), it will store the current row values in the log table (table1log), but I also want to store every row with the same header_id from (table2) into (table2log). So I created a BEFORE UPDATE trigger, the part to save the updated row in (table1) is working, but when it comes to saving (table2) rows, it don't work. It says I can't return a result set from trigger nor I can't create a view.
I tried to use a plain select and insert, I was expecting it to work, but It returned this
Error 1415: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger SQL Statement
I also tried to create a view inside the trigger and then simply get my data from the view, but it returned this
Error 1422: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger SQL Statement
I've tried everything that is talked in these subjects, but none seems to be exactly what I want.
CREATE DEFINER='root'@'%' TRIGGER 'dev'.'table1_BEFORE_UPDATE' BEFORE UPDATE ON "table1" FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO dev.table1log (NumHeader, Name) VALUES (OLD.NumHeader, OLD.Name); SELECT * INTO @table2v FROM dev.table2 WHERE NumHeader = OLD.NumHeader; INSERT INTO dev.table2log (NumHeader, Name) VALUES (@table2v.NumHeader, @table2v.Name); END
I am looking to do something like this, can anyone enlighten me on how I should do it ?
You can use MySQL a variable only for a single scalar, not a result set.
But you don't need any variables in your case, because you can use INSERT INTO ... SELECT.
INSERT INTO dev.table1log
(NumHeader, Name)
VALUES (OLD.NumHeader, OLD.Name);
INSERT INTO dev.table2log
(NumHeader, Name)
SELECT NumHeader, Name
FROM dev.table2
WHERE NumHeader = OLD.NumHeader;
I also edited to change this to an AFTER trigger, because you want it to run after the UPDATE that spawned the trigger is successful. If you do the inserts in a BEFORE trigger, but the UPDATE fails, then it would have to roll back more changes.
I also fixed the incorrect use of quote marks.