I want to insert data in case the 'id' doesn't exist, and update it if the 'id' does exist AND the existing 'timestamp' is less than the new 'timestamp'.
So far I haven't figured out how to add this condition to an upsert. Please let me know if you have any pointers.
I know I could do 2 separate queries, an 'insert try' and then an update, but I would much rather get it done in 1 query.
Also, I am aware that I could do this with a raw sql statement, but I don't know how to send this to supabase.
Thanks so much for the help!
this is the solution I came up with. Obviously not what I initially set out to do but works for now:
Future<bool> sendChanges(String table, dynamic data) async {
/// insert if row does not exist, update if it does and the local_timestamp
/// is newer
/// if the upsert is successful, return true
try {
/// add the keyword for the sync_timestamp so the server inserts it
data['sync_timestamp'] = 'NOW()';
await supabase.from(table).insert(data);
return true;
} catch (error) {
if (error is PostgrestException && error.code == '23505') {
/// if error code is 23505 it means the row already exists
/// update the row in case the timestamp of the change is newer
await supabase
.eq(columnId, data[columnId])
.lt(columnLocalTimestamp, data[columnLocalTimestamp]);
return true;
} else {
log('caught error: $error');
return false;