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Bicep: policy remediation task complains about missing parameter

Below is my bicep code to create and assign a policy to detect key vaults which don't have diagnostic settings. And the policy has a deployIfNotExists setting. So It should be capable of creating the missing diagnostic setting as well. (from portal with remediation process)

targetScope = 'subscription'
param diagnosticSettingName string = 'kv-local-diag'
param location string = 'westus'

resource localWorkspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-12-01-preview' existing = {
  scope: resourceGroup('myResourceGroup')
  name: 'la-demo-01'

resource kvPolicy 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions@2020-09-01' = {
  name: 'bicepKvPolicy'
  properties: {
    displayName: 'Keyvault central diagnostics policy'
    description: 'DeployIfNotExists a when diagnostic is not available for the keyvault'
    policyType: 'Custom'
    mode: 'All'
    metadata: {
      category: 'Custom'
      source: 'Bicep'
      version: '0.1.0'
    parameters: {}
    policyRule: {
      if: {
        allOf: [
            field: 'type'
            equals: 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults'
      then: {
        effect: 'deployIfNotExists'
        details: {
          roleDefinitionIds: [
          type: 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings'
          existenceCondition: {
            allOf: [
                field: 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/logs[*].category'
                equals: 'audit'
          deployment: {
            properties: {
              mode: 'incremental'
              template: {
                '$schema': ''
                contentVersion: ''
                parameters: {
                  resourceName: {
                    type: 'String'
                    metadata: {
                      displayName: 'resourceName'
                      description: 'Name of the resource'
                variables: {}
                resources: [
                    type: 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults/providers/diagnosticSettings'
                    apiVersion: '2021-05-01-preview'
                    name: diagnosticSettingName
                    scope: '[concat(parameters(\'resourceName\'),\'/Microsoft.Insights/\', \'-${diagnosticSettingName}\')]'
                    properties: {
                      logs: [
                        category: 'AuditEvent'
                        categoryGroup: null
                        enabled: true
                        retentionPolicy: {
                          days: 90
                          enabled: true
                      metrics: [
                        category: 'AllMetrics'
                        enabled: true
                        retentionPolicy: {
                          days: 90
                          enabled: true 
                        timeGrain: null
              parameters: {
                resourceName: {
                  value: '[field(\'name\')]'

  resource bicepExampleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments@2022-06-01' = {
    name: 'bicepExampleAssignment'
    location: location
    identity: {
      type: 'SystemAssigned'
    properties: {
      displayName: 'KV diagnostic policy assignement'
      description: 'KV diagnostic policy assignment'
      enforcementMode: 'Default'
      metadata: {
        source: 'Bicep'
        version: '0.1.0'
      resourceSelectors: [
          name: 'selector'
          selectors: [
              kind: 'resourceType'
              in: [
      nonComplianceMessages: [
          message: 'Resource is not compliant with a DeployIfNotExists policy'

  resource roleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-04-01-preview' = {
    name: guid(, bicepExampleAssignment.type, subscription().subscriptionId)
    properties: {
      principalId: bicepExampleAssignment.identity.principalId
      roleDefinitionId: '/providers/microsoft.authorization/roleDefinitions/b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c' 

After my deployment, I can see that my policy is created and assigned properly. When I create a remediation task in the Azure portal. Also, I can see that the policy is picking up Key Vaults with missing diagnostic settings.

Compliance Report

At this stage, I'm creating a remediation task and expecting the task to deploy the diagnostic setting. But when I check the result, I can see that the task failed with the error below: Details Code InvalidTemplate Message Deployment template validation failed: 'The value for the template parameter 'resourceName' at line '1' and column '223' is not provided. Please see for usage details.'.

Remediation task failing

I understand that the resource creation operation complains about the parameter value (resourceName) not being provided. But I expect the remediation task to automatically pick the resource name from the resources listed by the compliance process.

I would so much appreciate that if you can advise me on what might be missing / wrong in my bicep template.


  • Your code looks good for me. The Parameters object in the bicep template is missing some braces. Check it to ensure that you are following the correct template and that there are no syntax errors.

    I modified your code as below and it worked for me.

    targetScope = 'subscription'
    param  diagnosticSettingName  string = 'kv-local-diag'
    param  location  string = 'westus'
    resource  localWorkspace  'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-12-01-preview'  existing = {
    scope: resourceGroup('myResourceGroup')
    name: 'newws'
    resource  kvPolicy  'Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions@2020-09-01' = {
    name: ''
    properties: {
    displayName: 'Keyvault central diagnostics policy'
    description: ''
    policyType: 'Custom'
    mode: 'All'
    metadata: {
    category: 'Custom'
    source: 'Bicep'
    version: '0.1.0'
    parameters: {}
    policyRule: {
    if: {
    allOf: [
    field: 'type'
    equals: 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults'
    then: {
    effect: 'deployIfNotExists'
    details: {
    roleDefinitionIds: [
    type: 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings'
    existenceCondition: {
    allOf: [
    field: 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/logs[*].category'
    equals: 'audit'
    deployment: {
    properties: {
    mode: 'incremental'
    template: {
    '$schema': ''
    contentVersion: ''
    parameters: {
    resourceName: {
    type: 'String'
    metadata: {
    displayName: 'resourceName'
    description: 'Name of the resource'
    resources: [
    type: 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings'
    name: 'efef'
    apiVersion: '2017-05-01-preview'
    properties: {
    logs: [
    category: 'AuditEvent'
    enabled: true
    retentionPolicy: {
    enabled: true
    days: 30
    parameters: {
    resourceName: {
    value: [resourceId('Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults',  'name')]

    Deployed using below Az CLI commands:

    az bicep build --file <filename.bicep>
    az deployment group create --name Deployment --resource-group <resourceGroup> --template-file <filename.bicep>


    enter image description here