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The Collation specified by SQL Server is not supported in c sharp

I am currently using C sharp .net 6 and connecting to a database using System.Data.SqlClient.

When it attempts to read from a table, it returns the error: The Collation specified by SQL Server is not supported.

        private const string SQLUSERS= @"SELECT * FROM USERS ORDER BY ID COLLATE German_PhoneBook_CI_AI;";

        SqlConnection connection = new("...");

            using SqlCommand command = new(SQLUSERS, connection);
            using SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            while (await reader.ReadAsync())

The current server collation is German_PhoneBook_CI_AI and it is not possible for me to change it. Any alternatives to resolve this issue with the code and without using EF Core?


  • This seems to be an issue with .net 6, fixed in December 2021. I think your only hope is to make sure you're on the latest .net 6 version (6.0.16).