i'm developing an app that use external DLL to program drivers ( i have not DLL source code ). In one of that DLL there is a function ( to read driver information) that, in a specific situation, throw an exception (NFCExceptionReadingFailure) that make my app crash. Now i will show you the code to explain better:
ReadbackFileAvailableEventArgs Driver_INFO;
public void HandleReadbackCompletedEvent(ReadbackFileAvailableEventArgs DINFO)
Driver_INFO = DINFO;
public Tuple<string, string, string, string, string> getDriverINFO()
// Unsubscribe first
ReadbackCompletedEvent -= HandleReadbackCompletedEvent;
// then Subscribe
ReadbackCompletedEvent += HandleReadbackCompletedEvent;
//With this line of code reading process is started on the DLL ( ReadFromDevice is a method of the dll)
ProgrammingAPI.ApplicationConstants.ReturnCode ret = ReadFromDevice();
//ret is Success if the process is started on the DLL
if (ret == ApplicationConstants.ReturnCode.Success)
// wait for programming or readback completion
while (ProgrammingAPI.ProgrammingAPI.IsWorking())
Console.Write("\READING OK");
I found that in a situation the reading process start correctly ( ret = Success ) but during the process the DLL throw an exception that make my app crash.
Placing the try catch on ReadFromDevice calling is useless ( this method is always executed correctly ). If i put the while inside a try catch the DLL exception still make my app crash.
There is a way to manage this situation and prevent app crash?
I have published my app as a windows services and the unamanged exception doesn't make my app crash anymore. Now is seen as simple app error and i can use the software.