I just wanted to share one way you could design a ribbon chart with vega-lite.
I believe Power BI native charts is one of the only tools that can generate such a chart so I was curious if it was possible with vega-lite.
If someone could somehow connect the area chart from the right side of bar mark to the left side of the bar instead through the center it would be even better.
Would love to hear your thoughts.
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{"category": "B", "value": 25, "type": "Type 2"},
{"category": "B", "value": 35, "type": "Type 3"},
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I have updated the above Ribbon chart with a cleaner layout. The bars are now thinner so the area marks flow through the bars in a better way. When you click on a ribbon it will reduce the opacity on the other ribbons and also text marks.
Full spec:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "A chart combining stacked bars with lines, sorted by value",
"width": 700,
"height": 300,
"data": {
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{"category": "A", "value": 20, "type": "Type 2", "pos": "start"},
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{"category": "B", "value": 35, "type": "Type 3", "pos": "-"},
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Adam (APB Reports)