Search code examples

Getting error while creating the tenant in wso2 Identity server 6.0.0

Im trying to create the tenant though wso2 console. while creating I m getting bellow error on console. " error Failed to add tenant config. tenant-domain: , tenant-admin: "

in server logs, I am getting below error.

ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.tenant.mgt.core.TenantPersistor} - Error in adding tenant with domain: org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException: Error occurred while searching in root partition for organization :<domain Name>

[LDAP: error code 32 - The entry dc=wso2,dc=org specified as the search base does not exist in the Directory Server]; remaining name 'dc=wso2,dc=org'

 ERROR {org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver} - Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method addTenant java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.tenant.mgt.ui.utils.TenantMgtUtil} - Failed to add tenant config. tenant-domain:, tenant-admin: [email protected]. org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method addTenant

note: we are using Ldap openDj


  • When a tenant is created on WSO2 products, a new sub organization unit (OU) is created if the primary userstore is an LDAP/AD. In that case, it refers to the following configuration to create the sub OU.

    RootPartition = "dc=wso2,dc=org"

    Above sample config has the default value which is included in your error message as well, The entry dc=wso2,dc=org specified as the search base does not exist in the Directory Server

    You can specify the root of your LDAP (eg: dc=unext,dc=com) for this configuration in order to solve this issue.


    Adding a formatted copy of userstore configurations shared in comments for others' reference.

    type = "read_write_ldap_unique_id" 
    base_dn = "dc=unext,dc=com" 
    connection_url = "ldap://connection_link:389" 
    connection_name = "cn=admin" 
    connection_password = "password" 
    user_entry_object_class = "identityPerson" 
    user_search_base = "ou=users,dc=unext,dc=com" 
    user_name_attribute = "mail" 
    user_name_search_filter = "(&amp;(objectClass=person)(mail=?))" 
    user_name_list_filter = "(&amp;(objectClass=person)(!(sn=Service)))" 
    user_id_list_filter = "(&amp;(objectClass=person)(scimId=?))" 
    group_search_base = "dc=unext,dc=com"