I have a server where I store user images in base64 format. Im trying to fetch and render it, but I keep getting the same image. I understand that the problem is most likely in the particular work of react, but I don't understand what exactly the problem is.
Here's what I tried:
I have class Viewer that renders components Dialog with different props "name"
class Viewer extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Dialog name={'0'} id={'0'}/>
<Dialog name={'54353'} id={'54353'}/>
<Dialog name={'54354'} id={'54354'}/>
In Dialog I have method getImage that fetch data in base64 and when componentDidMount setting it to "img"
this.img = this.getImage(this.name);
getImage(_id) {
//this.setState({ loading: true });
const fileBlob = new FileReader(); // BLOB
loading: true
fetch(domenName + '/server/getUserImageById.php?user_id=' + _id)
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(response => {
this.loading = false;
this.setState({loading: false});
response.size == 0 ? img = domenName + '/assets/img/noimage.png':
[fileBlob.readAsDataURL(response), fileBlob.onload = () => {
img = fileBlob.result;
//console.log("id:" + _id);
}).catch(error => {
this.loading = false;
//this.setState({loading: false});
return img;
Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering
class Dialog extends Component {
return (
<Text>Im user №{this.id}!</Text>
return (
key = {this.id}
source={{uri: this.img}}
style={{ width: 60, height: 60, borderRadius: 30 }}
<Text>Im user №{this.id}!</Text>
Link to sandbox with example: https://snack.expo.dev/@konst1966/ea6dad
Solved the problem by moving the fetch() function to componentDidMount. Also adding to .then(response)=>{} this code: