I have a Resource Group 'test-rg'. How can I add a custom role 'Custom Role' to an application 'test-application' to this resource group via PowerShell script?
I believe by
"How can I add a custom role 'Custom Role' to an application 'test-application' to this resource group via PowerShell script?"
you actually mean:
"How can I create a role assignment of the role 'Custom Role' for the application 'test-application' for a Resource Group by PowerShell?"
If that's the case, you need to just create a role assignment.
Assign Azure roles using Azure PowerShell - Azure RBAC | Microsoft Learn
To do it in PowerShell, you need to run a following command:
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId <objectId> `
-RoleDefinitionName <roleName> `
-Scope /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>
is an Object ID of your Service Principal / Enterprise Application,<roleName>
is a built-in or a custom role (e.g., Custom Role
and <resourceGroupName>
are identifier of respective Subscription and Resource Group you want to give access to.Example:
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId "ae75b865-abf1-4376-afb8-54ebbf0b2051" ` -RoleDefinitionName "Custom Role" ` -Scope /subscriptions/4270e84b-c064-450b-9c67-a4a449d319df/resourcegroups/test-rg