I've successfully created an Event Source Mapping (ESM) Trigger on my lambda function to my MSK cluster. For awhile it was polling and reading events from my kafka topic without issue. Recently though, I noticed that it has suddenly stopped. I verified that the topic has a large volume of new records, and my batch size is 100, so I don't see why it would have stopped triggering the lambda function. There are no Lambda logs and invocations shows that the lambda is not being invoked at all (so no logs makes sense) The MSK Trigger as well says that it is in a health state and indicates no errors. It just doesn't run.
Does anyone have advice on debugging the ESM trigger between lambda and MSK cluster since I believe I've verified that the kafka topic is behaving as expected, and the lambda isn't ever running.
Usually I would post code but this is an AWS configuration and I'm just looking for info on how to further debug the ESM, so I have not provided any as I don't see what would be relevant.
Stuck triggers can be fixed with two options: