I need to create a .tar file, but I don't have access to the filesystem as I'm working with Azure blob storage. I can get a collection of Streams for various files, but now I need a way to tar them up. I'm currently looking at SharpZipLib.
All of the examples I've seen so far work off of a directory, or at least files where a path is given, for example: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile()
I think I need to use something similar to the above call: TarEntry.CreateEntry(), but the intellisense on that one says:
Construct an entry with only a name. This allows the programmer to construct the entry's header 'by hand'."
If I'm headed in the right direction, the next question I need answered is: "How do I create a tar header in SharpZipLib?"
If not, then the title's question is most appropriate: "How do I make a .tar file given a collection of System.IO.Stream objects?"
A link was posted that just about answers the question perfectly (https://github.com/icsharpcode/SharpZipLib/issues/208). I made some minor modifications and ended up with the below method. The key in the dictionary input is the file name with the extension.
I probably could have written
using var tar = new TarOutputStream(output)
to avoid having to call .Close() and risk missing it due to an exception, but I have had some issues in the past with stacking using var
s in the context of IO, and I don't feel like prodding this anymore.
private static byte[] CreateTarFromStreams(Dictionary<string, MemoryStream> files)
using (var output = new MemoryStream())
var tar = new TarOutputStream(output); // This obsolete method works. Can't be bothered to investigate further.
var tarArchive = TarArchive.CreateOutputTarArchive(tar);
foreach (var file in files)
var tarEntry = TarEntry.CreateTarEntry(file.Key);
var bytes = file.Value.ToArray();
var size = bytes.Length;
tarEntry.Size = size;
tar.Write(file.Value.ToArray(), 0, size);
tar.IsStreamOwner = false;
return output.ToArray();