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Google OAuth consent screen for external application behind login page

I'm trying to verify my app for external use. I'm getting an email from Google which makes absolutely no sense.

It appears that the submitted Homepage URL: is a Log-in and/or Sign-in page, which restricts public access to your app's information and intent.

In order to use the Google features of my application, a user must first login to my app using their application credentials. Once they are logged in, they can setup the Google feature by clicking on a button that walks them through the Google OAuth process. The end result is that we obtain a token to use on their behalf. We tell them exactly what permissions we are asking for and even show them how to revoke access whenever they want to. We also specify in our Privacy Policy what permissions we are requesting and how their data will be used.

Seeing as we are not using Google for sign-in, then how are we supposed to implement this feature if the so-called home page is behind a login screen and the app is for external users???


  • I used the marketing website for my entire platform/solution as the homepage. On the main page, I list the Google feature (how it's used) and include a screen shot. Just below that I added these words. "(App's) use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements." Finally, I made sure that the privacy policy (with Google requirements regarding permissions requested and how data is used) along with the terms and conditions were linked on the page.