I want to create an app to use API Layer for currency exchange. I used a API key of Exchange Rates Data API in apilayer.com.
When I send a request to Get Rates defined in postman_collection in my repo.
I get this error message shown below
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "message" (class com.exchangeapi.currencyexchange.exception.RestTemplateError), not marked as ignorable (4 known properties: "error", "status", "path", "timestamp"])
at [Source: (String)"{"message":"No API key found in request"}"; line: 1, column: 42] (through reference chain: com.exchangeapi.currencyexchange.exception.RestTemplateError["message"])
It always detect it as default-key
After endpoint converts to this URL like https://api.apilayer.com/exchangerates_data/latest?symbols=USD%2CTRY&base=EUR, I revised it in getExchangeUrl method.
How can I fix it?
Here is the .env file shown below (I defined .gitignore not to upload to git repo)
Here is the application.yml
api-url: https://api.apilayer.com/exchangerates_data/
api-key: ${EXCHANGE_API_API_KEY:default-key}
api-call-limit: 60
cache-name: exchanges
cache-ttl: 10000
Here is the Constants class shown below
public class Constants {
public static String EXCHANGE_API_BASE_URL;
public static String EXCHANGE_API_API_KEY;
public static String EXCHANGE_CACHE_NAME;
public static Integer EXCHANGE_API_CALL_LIMIT;
public void setExchangeApiBaseUrl(String apiUrl) {
Constants.EXCHANGE_API_BASE_URL = apiUrl;
public void setExchangeApiKey(String apiKey) {
public void setExchangeCacheName(String cacheName) {
Constants.EXCHANGE_CACHE_NAME = cacheName;
public void setExchangeApiCallLimit(Integer apiCallLimit) {
Here is the relevant methods saveRatesFromApi of RateService
private RateEntity saveRatesFromApi(LocalDate rateDate, EnumCurrency base, List<EnumCurrency> targets) {
log.info("ExchangeService | saveRatesFromApi is called");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("apikey", EXCHANGE_API_API_KEY);
final HttpEntity<String> headersEntity = new HttpEntity<>(headers);
String url = getExchangeUrl(rateDate, base, targets);
ResponseEntity<RateResponse> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, headersEntity, RateResponse.class);
RateResponse rates = responseEntity.getBody();
RateEntity entity = convert(rates);
return rateRepository.save(entity);
private String getExchangeUrl(LocalDate rateDate, EnumCurrency base, List<EnumCurrency> targets) {
String symbols = String.join("%2C", targets.stream().map(EnumCurrency::name).toArray(String[]::new));
return EXCHANGE_API_BASE_URL + rateDate + "?symbols=" + symbols + "&base=" + base;
Here is the repo : Link
I solved the issue.
After I defined this part in the application.yml file, the issue was disappeared.
import: optional:file:.env[.properties]