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Don't know how to build task 'active_storage:install' (--no-skip-active-storage)

I am using Rails, and I have a really hard time trying to understand why the following is working successfully ...

$ rails new testapp
$ cd testapp
$ bin/rails active_storage:install
Copied migration 20230522144343_create_active_storage_tables.active_storage.rb from active_storage

... but NOT the following?

$ rails new testapp --minimal --no-skip-active-storage
$ cd testapp
$ bin/rails active_storage:install
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'active_storage:install' (See the list of available tasks with `rails --tasks`)

Did I miss something with the --no-skip-active-storage option?



  • Go to config/application.rb

    Now uncomment #require "active_storage/engine

    Then, run again:

    $ bin/rails active_storage:install