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Catch a RTK Query fulfilled action in redux toolkit middleware

I want to fire some side-effects after one of my RTKQ queries completes. I decided the best way would be to do it inside a middleware but I'm not sure what is the correct way to get catch this action.

After some debugging, I end up with something like below but it looks a bit hackish to me.

const recreateTransferOnAppStartMiddleware: Middleware<unknown, RootState> = 
  storeApi => next => action => {
    const isFulfilledAction = action.type === `api/executeQuery/fulfilled`;
    const isGetUserAction = action.meta
      && action.meta.arg
      && action.meta.arg.endpointName === `getUser`;

    if (isFulfilledAction && isGetUserAction)

    return next(action);

My biggest problem with this code is that it is string based when checking for endpointName and action.type.


  • After some digging, I found it is possible to access an endpoint matcher directly:

    const recreateTransferOnAppStartMiddleware: Middleware<unknown, RootState> = storeApi => next => action => {
        const isGetUserFulfilled = userApiSlice.endpoints.getUser.matchFulfilled(action);
        if (isGetUserFulfilled)
        return next(action);