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Is it possible to create this diagram using mermaid and styling

I'd like to create diagrams like this, in mermaid

enter image description here

Is this possible? How?!



  • As of today (version 10.1.0), none of the supported mermaid diagrams have an exact match to what you have asked for, the closest is the flowchart. The main differences from your drawing are that in mermaid you cannot change the style of the arrowhead (size or color) or manipulate the distance from the nodes.

    But you can get something similar to what you asked for:

    • Flow chart graph from left to right
    • Nodes with round edges
    • Myltiple styles
    • Linear curve style (give the closet results)

    I have tested the following codeblock in GitHub Markdown:

    %%{init: {"flowchart": {"curve": "linear"}, "themeVariables": {"edgeLabelBackground": "transparent"}}}%%
    flowchart LR
        lg -->|checkout| wd
        wd -->|add| sa
        sa -->|commit| lg
        lg -->|push| rg
        rg -->|fetch| lg
        rg --->|pull| wd
        %% Styles
        style wd fill:#fff,stroke:#000
        style sa fill:#d9ead3,stroke:#000
        style lg fill:#93c47d,stroke:#000
        style rg fill:#eee,stroke:#000
        linkStyle 0 stroke:#f4cccc,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow checkout
        linkStyle 1 stroke:#cfe2f3,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow add
        linkStyle 2 stroke:#6fa8dc,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow commit
        linkStyle 3 stroke:#0b5394,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow push
        linkStyle 4 stroke:#e6b8af,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow fetch
        linkStyle 5 stroke:#dd7e6b,stroke-width:10px %% Arrow pull

    This results in the following output:

    enter image description here

    And at mermaid live editor it looks like this:

    enter image description here