im developing a lot size calculator indicator in tradingview using pine script. it's working right now except for the pop-up or dialog box i want to show whenever u have set the entry and stop-loss on the chart. there is a indicator that does this (to be clear a pop-up after a action is done where you can give input not clicking on the settings box.) i will provide screenshots of the indicator that already has done this and my code. thanks! screenrecording indicator
indicator("MZD Lot Size Calculator", max_bars_back=100, overlay=true, linktoseries=true, scale=scale.none, precision=5, format=format.price)
toString(x)=> str.tostring(x)
numberToLotSizeFormat(size) => str.format("{0,number,#.##}", size)
roundPrice(price) => math.round(price, 5)
getTicksForNR(stopLossTickSize, commission, rCount) => stopLossTickSize * rCount + commission * rCount + commission
getPriceForNR(entryPrice, stopLossPrice, ticks, mintick) => roundPrice(entryPrice > stopLossPrice ? entryPrice + (ticks * mintick) : entryPrice - (ticks * mintick))
RISK_MANAGE_GROUP = 'Risk Manager'
TABLE_APPEARANCE_GROUP = 'Table appearance'
accountSize = input(100000, 'Account Size in $', group=RISK_MANAGE_GROUP)
risk = input.float(1, title='Risk in %', group=RISK_MANAGE_GROUP)
commission = input.float(3, title='Commission in $', group = RISK_MANAGE_GROUP)
entryPrice = roundPrice(input.price(defval = 1.00000, title = 'Entry Price ', group = PRICE_LEVELS_GROUP, inline= '1', confirm = true))
entryColor = input.color(, title = '', inline= '1', group = PRICE_LEVELS_GROUP)
stopLossPrice = roundPrice(input.price(defval = 0.99950, title = 'Stop Price ', inline= '2', group = PRICE_LEVELS_GROUP, confirm = true))
stopLossColor = input.color(defval = , title = '', inline= '2', group = PRICE_LEVELS_GROUP)
i tried asking chatGPT but it keeps telling me that there is no option in pine script where this is possible.
Your code looks right and works as you ask. The confirm = true
is what creates the pop up. I copied and pasted your code and I was prompted with the pop up when I added it to my chart.
If you are talking about the pop up after selecting your two prices, then you would need to add a confirm to another input. For example if you add it here to the entry color it will bring up the window after selecting both your entry and stop prices.
entryColor = input.color(, title = '', inline= '1', group = PRICE_LEVELS_GROUP, confirm = true)