I am trying to use Room library to access a DB, but DAO implementation is not generating well. In my DAO interface i have:
@Query("SELECT b.position,b.name,b.capacity,b.currentAmount, it.name FROM bottles AS b " +
"INNER JOIN bottle_ingredient AS bi ON bi.bottlePos=b.position " +
"INNER JOIN ingredient_types AS it ON it.id=bi.ingredientId" +
" WHERE position = :position")
Bottle getBottleWithIngredientFromPosition(int position);
And my bottle class is the following:
public class Bottle {
public int position;
public String name;
public int capacity;
public int currentAmount;
public String ingredientName;
//Constructor, getters and setters
But when i create a new Bottle object with the DAO it gets created with "ingredientName" as null. I checked the implementation Room generates and is the following:
public Bottle getBottleWithIngredientFromPosition(final int position) {
final String _sql = "SELECT b.position,b.name,b.capacity,b.currentAmount, it.name FROM bottles AS b INNER JOIN bottle_ingredient AS bi ON bi.bottlePos=b.position INNER JOIN ingredient_types AS it ON it.id=bi.ingredientId WHERE position = ?";
final RoomSQLiteQuery _statement = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(_sql, 1);
int _argIndex = 1;
_statement.bindLong(_argIndex, position);
final Cursor _cursor = DBUtil.query(__db, _statement, false, null);
try {
final int _cursorIndexOfPosition = 0;
final int _cursorIndexOfName = 1;
final int _cursorIndexOfCapacity = 2;
final int _cursorIndexOfCurrentAmount = 3;
final Bottle _result;
if(_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
final int _tmpPosition;
_tmpPosition = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfPosition);
final String _tmpName;
if (_cursor.isNull(_cursorIndexOfName)) {
_tmpName = null;
} else {
_tmpName = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfName);
final int _tmpCapacity;
_tmpCapacity = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfCapacity);
final int _tmpCurrentAmount;
_tmpCurrentAmount = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfCurrentAmount);
_result = new Bottle(_tmpPosition,_tmpName,_tmpCapacity,_tmpCurrentAmount,null);
} else {
_result = null;
return _result;
} finally {
As we can see it calls the constructor with last parameter as null and never tries to get it from the DB. I downloaded SQLite DB and run the query manually and it works as espected
Try SELECT b.position,b.name,b.capacity,b.currentAmount, it.name AS ingredientName FROM ....
is the rest of the query. i.e. the important part is aliasing the name column to be ingredientName using AS
.i.e. you are supplying the value that can/will be associated with the ingredientName member variable.
This is assuming that you want the value of the name column from the ingredient_types table to be the ingredientName.