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How to set mandatory attribute of a parameter to $true conditionally in PowerShell?

The mandatory attribute accepts ScriptBlocks but as I've tested it and seen in other answers, it's always returning $true

function Test-Function {
    param (
        [Parameter (Position = 0)]

        [Parameter (Position = 1, Mandatory = ({
            return $false
    Write-Host "First: $First"
    Write-Host "Second: $Second"
Test-Function -First "boo"

I don't want to use Dynamic parameters because Get-Help doesn't show them (unless I'm missing something?), and I'm already using ParameterSets a lot, so can't break their logic.

What are some other ways I can achieve what I want?

my goal is to first read from a user configuration file and if a value for a parameter is already available in that file then the parameter should turn from mandatory to optional.


  • Note:

    • The next two sections make general observations.

    • The bottom section shows an alternative solution to your own.

    The Mandatory attribute accepts ScriptBlocks

    It technically accepts a script block, but passing one is pointless, given that the property's type is [bool]: [bool] { <# whatever #> } is always $true, as with any non-primitive object cast to [bool].[1]

    Only attributes explicitly designed to accept script blocks support them meaningfully, typically via the attribute constructor rather than (only) via one of its properties (e.g. [ValidateScript({ <# whatever #> })])

    I don't want to use dynamic parameters because Get-Help doesn't show them

    Get-Help (and the -? parameter) do show them, but only if the runtime conditions for their addition are met.

    Therefore, the only way to always make a dynamic implementation of your -Second parameter show would be to add it unconditionally inside the DynamicParam block used to implement dynamic parameters, and to only make its Mandatory property dynamic, depending on runtime conditions.


    • Dynamic parameters are generally nontrivial to implement.

    • Assigning a default value to a dynamic parameter - which is what you want - appears to be unsupported (assigning to the .Value property of a dynamic parameter is in effect quietly ignored).

    The following alternative to your solution moves all processing into the $(...) subexpression:

    function Test-Function {
      param (
          [Parameter(Position = 0)]
          [string] $First
          [Parameter(Position = 1)]
          [ValidatePattern('^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$')]
          [string] $Second = $(            
              # Try to obtain a default value and make sure one is available.
              $val = (Get-Content -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json" | ConvertFrom-Json).policyname
              if ($null -eq $val) { 
                throw "A -Second argument is required or must be preconfigured."
              # A default value is available:
              # Validate it based on the [ValidatePattern()] attribute.
              $validatePatternAttrib = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters['Second'].Attributes.Where({ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute]})
              if (-not [regex]::Match($val, $validatePatternAttrib.RegexPattern, $validatePatternAttrib.Options).Success) {
                throw ("The argument `"$val`" does not match the `"$($validatePatternAttrib.RegexPattern)`" pattern.", ($validatePatternAttrib.ErrorMessage -f $val))[[bool] $validatePatternAttrib.ErrorMessage]
              $val # Output the default value to assign it to the parameter var.
      process {
          Write-Host "First: $First"
          Write-Host "Second: $Second"
    Test-Function -First "boo"


    • While scoping the solution to the default-value code inside $(...) is desirable, there is added complexity due to having to dynamically apply the [ValidatePattern()] attribute to the default value (the code could be simplified; as shown it fully emulates what the [ValidatePattern()] does).

    • Arguably, this added complexity shouldn't be necessary, as even a default value should automatically be subject to the same validation as an explicitly passed one. GitHub issue #8795 proposes just that.

    [1] PowerShell allows implicit conversion to [bool] from any type. See the bottom section of this answer for a summary of the rules.